Monday, November 19, 2007

Boozing It Up

First, a quick update on Malachi: I groveled at Animal Control's feet (and the officer was very nice). AC is pleased with our fence (thank God it's completed) because now Malachi can be banished outside (if it was still chain link, that's too risky as some jerk could put his/her hand through the chain link). Also, Hubby and I are allowed to play with Malachi, but he can't be around other people or other animals, including the cats. So now we alternate who's allowed out when and when some are outside, the other is in and vice versa. The 10 days can't pass quick enough!

Secondly, I realize that I ended yesterday's post with a note that Hubby was drinking and that we don't do that much. There's a couple of reasons for that: I can't hold my liquor (half a wine cooler and I'm giggling at everything) and Hubby has never liked the taste of beer and apparently spent enough college years with the hard stuff that he's outgrown that interest other than on rare occasions--or so I thought.

We're in the local grocery store (there's only one option for MILES) and I ask Hubby if we have everything. Hubby responds that he's decided to start drinking beer, so we need to get some. Fascinated, I ask why now he's interested in beer. Hubby's response? "I feel guilty when I turn down a beer."

Thank God he's not in charge of the Pentagon. "Why are you sending soldiers and tanks to Switzerland?" "I feel guilty they don't ever have any tanks hanging around."

What if he were in charge of the Victoria Secret catalog? "Why are there fat people on the pages?" "I feel guilty that some people should never ever wear thongs."

Seriously. What sort of an answer is "I feel guilty when I turn down a beer?" I'm sure it doesn't hurt anybody's feelings that they spent whatever amount on a six-pack and Hubby is not going to drink their last one.

So what sort of beer is Hubby starting with? Guinness.

And to think that this is what a higher education can buy you. I'm sure one of his MBA courses was "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and step one was "Always accept a beer."

What an excuse to booze it up :) What happened to learning say no so you could watch everyone else get smashed at the company party and you'd be holding the pictures on Monday morning?

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