I'm sure you're all dying to know if I'm done with my temper tantrum from Tuesday. Not really...I'm sure it'll buck up again soon. I have a memory that holds grudges for eternity (my father once called me an elephant and then when the look of horror on my face became apparent enough for even him, he quickly explained that elephants have the longest memory of any mammal or something like that--I'm not the scientist so I don't even know for sure what a mammal is--anyway, who was able to test an elephant's memory? Who even came up with that idea?). However, I did re-frost part of the cake, and I have eaten 2 slices, and I haven't died and they did sort of make me feel better, and I remain married...guess that means Walmart is off the list of things I blame the bad stuff of the world on. I did refuse to go to Chilis with some girlfriends from work (well one co-worker and one ex-co-worker) because of the experience there though. See, I can stick to my guns.
The good news is that even though I can hold grudges forever and bring up memories from eons ago, I have enough crazy stupid stuff in my life that I always have a new problem to be dwelling on, and so the whole Espanola incident is out of my mind until I see or hear the words "Walmart" or "Chilis."
Here's my current gripe. Long meeting at work this morning. I work Friday night from 2230 (that's 10:30 pm to help those of you out that are reading this and don't want to translate) until 0630 (6:30 am) Saturday morning. I then work 1830 (6:30 pm) until 0630 on Saturdays and Sundays. My work week ends on Mondays when I work 2230 until 0630. I have the rest of Tuesday through Friday at 2230 off, so basically three days. However, I had to sit through training on Tuesday for 6 hours, and then was at work today for 4 hours worth of meeting. The meeting was at 0700. I know that this is easier for the dispatchers that work the graveyard shift and get off at 0630 during the week, but for me on my day off, it sucks, because I just wanted to sleep for more than 4 hours. And it sucks even more that it's always my day off that has trainings or meetings or whatever scheduled. Why can't these things rotate occasionally so that I'm not always giving up 1-2 of my days off (which I give up every week) for "mandatory" junk? Can't we have a training on a Monday morning when I'm already there? Why can't someone else give up their days off? GRR.
Actually, a ton of gripes came out of the meeting, but since this is our 4th supervisor in 12 months, I will follow my orders and see what happens. Pretty much it can't get that much worse. Did you know that Colorado Springs/El Paso County, Colorado pays their dispatchers more money than I make now (and I'm the highest rank there is for dispatchers--at the highest paid agency in the state of New Mexico) AND they are hiring? I told this to my husband (who is very offended that I called him "homeboy" in a prior post), who then looked up jobs that he'd be qualified for, and said he would apply if I wanted him to apply. Trouble is that I'm really not a quitter, I've never wanted to dispatch anywhere else (other local agencies and officers keep trying to get me to transfer) and I'm not sure I'm ready to leave my mommy. However, Colorado is gorgeous and hubby and I have talked about living there a million times. I'm not sure he'd been keen on getting a job there and giving up his retirement and stuff here (once you're 30, you have to start behaving sort of adult-like and think about what happens when you're 60--or so we decided when he turned 30) just to have me announce that I'm not going to work any more, but that I'm going to stay home and eat bon bons.
So for the time being, I'll just let my little gripes fill me up and distract me from making any decisions. Hey, I won't be 30 for over a year, and that's when I'll have to make adult-like decisions. Until then, I'll keep having temper tantrums :)
You should move to Colorado so that I can see you every once in a while.
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