Monday, July 23, 2007

40 of The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out

I love survey things, so here goes!

40 of The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out

1) What side of the heart do you draw first? Left

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose? Not without totally grossing myself out because of the water going UP my nose!

3) What color is your razor? Purple

4) What is your blood-type? O neg

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? I don't think there's one person I'd like to be tied to at all unless it's a 3-legged race.

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you? Nothing I care to share with the world...most rumors are false anyway!

7) How do you feel about carrots? I like carrots, especially in carrot cake or with dip. YUM!

8) How many chairs at the dining room table? 3 of one set and 1 of another...that's next on our list of furniture to replace, we just need a house big enough!

9) Which is the best Spice Girl? We'll have to wait for the reunion tour to determine that! Just kidding, I don't even remember all of them...

10) Do you know what time it is? 0106

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? yes "smell ya later!"

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? Hope the guy next to me showered.

13) What’s your favorite kind of gum? Totally can't chew gum any more...jaw has arthritis :( Used to love spearmint unless it was Bubbalicious, and then it had to be Strawberry.

14) All’s fair in love and war? Only say it as a sarcastic comment now.

15) Do you have a crush on anyone? I like to admire God's work :) but crush on my husband :)

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning? I'll never reveal it if I don't know what the word means.

17) Do you like to sleep? That's the only sport I excel at! Wish I was getting more sleep these days.

18) Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings Time? I know Arizona doesn't. I think there's probably another state too :)

19) Do you know the words to the song Total Eclipse of the Heart? Once the music starts...that's the Turnaround song!

20) Do you want a bright yellow ‘06 mustang? Who's giving it away?

21) What’s something you’ve always wanted? To be one of those people who have to work really hard to gain weight

22) Do you have hairy legs? Not right now, I just shaved

23) What does “Semper Fidelis” stand for? "Always Faithful" (had to google the Fidelis part)

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Assuming we had an ocean or a lake around, I'd swim in either! Water would be a novelty

25) Do you wear a lot of black? More than I used to

26) Describe your hair. It's a couple of inches below my shoulders, brown with reddish/blonde highlights that are way overdue to be touched up and usually in a ponytail or bun because I don't know how to style it like the hairdresser did.

27) Do you have Entomophobia? YES. I hate the wiggly things, creepy crawly things and things that don't have legs or that have more than four legs.

28) Are you an adult? Yes, most of the time.

29) Where is/are your best friend(s)? At home asleep, I hope!

30) Do you have a tan? Not even a little one anymore since I think sunlight would kill me.

31) Are you addicted to TV? Probably; I watch way too much. So much I can't even keep up with it on the DVR.

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? Yup!

33) Are you a sugar freak? So much so that I convinced my work partner to make cupcakes and now we have 48 for the 2 of us. I guess we could share with the officers...

34) What happened to number 34? Like the question 34 or in general? In general, my guess is that it doesn't feel superior to 35 but better than 33.

35) What sign are you? Sag, but I don't believe in astrology

36) Where do you wish you were right now? Asleep in bed or on a sandy beach or anywhere but here!

37) Who did you copy this from?

38) How do you know them? Just stumbled upon them...and may be back there! It lead to a bunch of other really good blogs--see what happens when you spy!

39) Have you kissed anyone in the past week? My husband...maybe my pets...other people's children (but not just random children, like sorority sister kids)

40) Favorite thing to wear to bed? I love pjs and lounge wear, so I don't have just one favorite! And if it's really hot, I like just the comforter :) There's an image for you!


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