Just had an awesome experience at the local ice cream store and had to share it!
Baskin Robbins makes clown cones...ice cream scoops with the cone sticking up like the clown hat and then it has frosting decorations, eyes, mouth and hair along with a cherry nose. What a fun way to eat ice cream! So although I'm 28 and checking out the clown cones, even I cannot bring myself to eat some sort of blue berry slush or shocking green gunky ice cream, so I'm totally bummed out and I guess the cute little girl in the Baskin Robbins shirt thinks that I'm a little slow and thinks she should take pity on the aging crazy lady that is distraught over the clown cone choices, because she points me to the other case.
That's right--the other case. The case that normally just has cakes. Not tonight though (or possibly not other nights too--I'm just trying to build up to the excitement). Tonight, there are also...
Cats! And Turtles! And some sort of weirdly decorated scoop that had a rubber ducky on top! (Not so excited about the duckies) The cats are two scoops with eyes and whiskers of frosting and they broke cookies into triangles to make ears. Darling, right? However, although I am a pig needing a child's ice cream (break out my pigtails), I cannot possibly eat two scoops. So hubby points to the turtles, and I am in love. An ice cream turtle here is the scoop of ice cream in a bowl smothered with green frosting (about 1/2 an inch worth in some spots--they fill up the area surrounding the scoop until it's even with the top of the bowl) and decorate a "shell". For the head peaking out, it's another enormous glob of green frosting piped into a disturbed looking neck and head, and then more frosting is added for eyes and a mouth. Yup, I ate a turtle. However, I could not bear the frosting, so as a word to the fellow turtle lovers out there--it's really hard to peel the ice cream out from underneath the frosting shell and head. I had to use another bowl and rock it back and forth.
Totally worthwhile experience for me and for the turtle, and for anybody watching me eat it, I'm sure :)
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